Built by scientists who help you find the right people, in record time, while saving you money.
meet your qualification
to find your hire
than staffing agencies
in bringing in Black and Hispanic hires
Read how we saved time and money for our clients.
It costs $25,000 per hire and takes 35 hours of your time per role.
It's easier with Scismic.
Your Scismic rep will work with you throughout the process.
Scismic helps you draft job descriptions with inclusive language.
Scismic's automated match targets candidates with your must-have criteria.
Interview and make offers with Scismic's guidance.
Find out how much money, time and resources you could save by using Scismic.
“Scismic is a very efficient way to hire biotech talent, specifically. It can help define what you’re looking for as you build the job profile.”
"Scismic asks for the correct information in the job profile and is more detailed than other job sites."
“We are confident that Scismic helped us find the right people for the job.”
“Scismic gave us people with relevant skills, unlike other job platforms.”
“Scismic "filtered out the noise" and significantly reduced the number of non-relevant candidate submissions we would need to review. During the proce...
“Scismic is a very efficient way to hire biotech talent, specifically. It can help define what you’re looking for as you build the job profile.”
“Scismic is a very efficient way to hire biotech talent, specifically. It can help define what you’re looking for as you build the job profile.”