The After-R&D Scientist: Process Development

Four Process Development Scientists talk about their jobs, how they go there, and what they recommend to jobseekers considering roles in process development.
1 year ago

Sponsors, Mentors, and How Best to Use Them

Joanne Kamens, PhD, Founder of the Massachusetts Association for Women in Science, Senior Consultant at Diversity Group North, mentorship expert and DEI advocate, discusses mentorship and sponsorship for career advancement in Biotech and BioPharma.
1 year ago

Fill your short term talent gaps in Biotech, Medtech, or AgTech with the new J1 Visa STEM expansion

Learn how to use the New J1 Visa expansion program to fill your short term talent gaps in Biotech, Medtech, and Agtech.
1 year ago

Bench to Business 2: Finding More Than Research Roles in Industry

We talked to four scientists who moved from research to non-bench roles about what the transition was like for them and what they recommend to other scientists looking to leave the bench, but stay in science.
1 year ago

Talking Talent with RenBio’s Dr. Neal Padte

Scismic talks to Renbio's Dr. Neal Padte on hiring STEM talent for an early stage biotech company and what he has learned along the way.
1 year ago

Talking Informatics Talent with L7 Informatic's Ivy Ford

Talking Informatics Talent with L7 Informatic's Ivy Ford is part of a series of interviews with hiring professionals working in biotech and the life sciences. We explore changes in the hiring landscape, struggles and successes, as well as hard-won tips and tricks from people on the front lines.
1 year ago
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